If there's one thing I like, it's working with the female audience. Today I have my blog and I am held to work on a special portal for us women.
We love to say that men are all the same, but we can't say that happens to women by far. How can you be of the same sex and be so different! Each one has its grace and a beauty that enchants. We are crazy, fickle, multifunctional, accelerated, we have PMS, we lose sleep for anything, we live on a diet, we are mothers, mother-in-law, friends, confidants, workers, cleaners, cooks and we still face beauty rituals daily. It's moisturizing, anti-frizz, makeup, perfume, lipstick... Ufa!
I'm not one of those feminists who argues that women need to conquer the world. I just believe that everyone has the right to have the dreams they want and that they can use all their strength to conquer it – just like anyone else. If they're too big, what's the problem?! Disposition is what is not lacking for us!
Women have discovered the delicious feeling of performing at work – how amazing it is! I'm proud when I see friends and other women in important positions and making a difference. It's the pride of being a woman!
The greatest experience of being a woman I have not yet lived, but I hope one day i can experience the gift of being a mother. And that's an exclusive of women, no discussion. There's nothing like motherly love. Carry a little piece of you for months and have an eternal bond of love. Once, a friend told me that having a child is like they ripped your heart out of your chest and you were running after it for the rest of your life, through your kids. I thought it was so beautiful.
One day is very little to thank all the good that these women do to the world! These women who live with the head of the clouds and their feet on the ground, who love intensely and who never give up seeing the world more colorfully. All women were born to be loved, respected, desired and admired.
All the experiences in the world turn a girl into a woman. It's like living a million times in one body. As Ana Carolina would say "In so many ways I can be, I'm sure one of them will please you." And so are women! Have you ever wondered what the world would be without them?
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